I had an awesome Mother’s Day. We went to church, breakfast with Dave, Kelly and girls, then back to baptism. Then we came home, took familly naps, went to Olive Garden for dinner (yummy!) and back home for family campfire time. At dinner, Little Man and Daddy went to “wash their hands” and came back with a package from the car. It was a bracelet and a stained glass memory box. All day long, Little Man kept saying “It’s your party Mommy! We eat cake?”
When we were tucking Little Man in last night, after we prayed, he said (out of the blue) “I not a baby anymore” in the most matter-of-fact way possible. I couldn’t help it, I cried. I know he’s not. But he’s still my baby.
I’ve been crying a lot lately on the loss of my baby. I know, like hubby said last night… “Look at it as an accomplishment… you got him from a baby to a boy! You’re the parent of a boy now! You did it!” I know that’s true, but I find myself wanting to hold on to every second of these precious days of my little guy. Every day, bits of his babyhood seem to escape me… the chubby cheeks are slimming up, the rolls on the thighs are long gone, he has long since stopped fitting easily into my lap. And he’s only 2! But he’s tall, and I’m short. I love the little hands, the little feet… He’s not potty trained yet. That is the one thing left that I’ll be glad to see progress on though. I’m not digging those stinky diapers, the how expensive they are once you get to the big sizes.
Anyway, random rumblings on a post Mother’s Day Monday.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
I want a new design!! Pretty, pretty please!!
One of my fave bloggers, Everyday Mommy, who does the most devine blog designs, is giving away a blog design for Mother's Day. I want it!!!
I am pretty computer savvy, but I don't know much about codes, and web design type stuff. And it's one of those things that are hard to figure out totally on your own.
I've checked out some of her designs and I would love to have one. If I win, I think it would inspire me to blog even more and be proud to show it off.
I'm going to attempt to copy the button on her website, but I'm not even sure how to do that. I do know how to copy a pic, so I'll do that. Here's the link to her site.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
6 days

Well, I guess this month was slightly better than last month. China matched 6 days of LIDS, through Nov 1, 2005. We are LID 9/13/06. Last month they only did 2 days of LIDs, so that is a slight improvement, but at this rate, it will take years to work through the backlog and to get to our LID. I can't imagine that they actually used to do a full month every month. Right now, I'd be thrilled for them to do 2 weeks like they were a few months ago.
Sigh. I want our baby girl. God's timing is perfect. God's timing is perfect. God's timing is perfect..
On a happy note, we're going to the beach this weekend! Hooray! We'll be meeting J's brother D and his family there and staying in their friend's house.
Hope it's warm and sunny... kinda cool right now. But no matter! We will be at the beach. It's all good.
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